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Thomas Miller Specialty (TMS) provides a claims management service that focuses on the expedient and equitable resolution of claims to the benefit of both insureds and underwriters alike.
When a client purchases insurance through TMS, we understand that the claims service becomes their paramount concern, and whilst we hope they never need to call on it, our service is designed to be immediately responsive, allowing the client to focus on their daily business while we protect their interests.
Regardless of value, prompt notification of any claim is key. We encourage clients to make us the first point of contact so we can thoroughly investigate and establish the facts, leading, when possible, to an early determination of the claim. Late notification can sometimes be detrimental to both the client and underwriters alike.
We have decades of experience handling a wide variety of global marine liability claims, often in challenging jurisdictions and regulatory environments.
Our global network of correspondents and third-party service providers supply local claims, casualty, and operational assistance as required.
P&I Claims Emergency Contact:
+44 (0)1661 243157
Key Contacts
London Office

Sian Morris
Head of Claims
Thomas Miller Claims Management
Michael Wilson
Claims Director
Amanda Lilliendale
Senior Claims Executive