In the event of a claim, Thomas Miller Specialty utilises a world wide network of correspondents. Those correspondents are selected by location and upon the basis of their expertise and professional approach to the handling a matter. We pride ourselves on using only the very best companies and personnel who are user friendly and yet focussed upon managing a matter to a successful outcome.

In the event that you are an assured of Thomas Miller Specialty and you have a claim, please notify your broker who will in turn notify Thomas Miller Specialty of the claim. On receipt of the claim, Thomas Miller Specialty will provide your broker and you with information and advice upon what next steps need to be taken. It is very likely that a correspondent will be appointed to assist both you and Thomas Miller Specialty with the matter. The appointment will be made by Thomas Miller Specialty for you in the first instance, and it likely that the initial cost of professional fees of the correspondent will need to be met by you under any deductible obligation operating under the policy.

In the event of a claim please notify your broker as soon as practicable who in turn should notify their contact at Thomas Miller Specialty. Alternatively, you or your broker may contact the following personnel at Thomas Miller Specialty at any time – Claims Contacts.

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Sara Jones, Jason Dariotis - Piraeus

Shipserve International Inc 

work 72 Kolokotroni Street

work Sara Jones Home: (+30) 210 620
cell Sara Jones (+30) 6982 980 441, Jason Dariotis (+30) 6945 595 285

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R Karam - Tartous

Elias Marine Consultants 

work Al Thawra Street
PO Box 181

work (+963) 933 222537
work (+963) 43 217134
cell (+963) 43 217135

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Mohammad Kettaneh - Aqaba

Jordan PandI Consultants Corporation (Aqaba)

work Jordan Commercial Bank Building,
Fourth Floor, Office No. 402, Rashid Street
P.O. Box 2452 Aqaba 77110

work T +962 3 201 9644
cell M +962 79 6200 550

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Ihab Kharroubi - Casablanca

Maclaims Maritime Morocco - SARL

work 6 bis, Rue Najib Mahfoud
20000 Casablanca

work (+212) 661 365 678

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Capt. Vladimir Kostov

Fidelitas Ltd (Bourgas)

work 3 Industrialna Street
Ground Floor
8000 Bouras,

work (+359) 700 33990
cell (+359) 889 470 970

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A G Kotliar - Odessa

Legat Co. Ltd 

work 11 Ljvovskaya Str

work (+380) 482 784 4025
work +380 (482) 784 4025
cell +380 (482) 374024

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