In the event of a claim, Thomas Miller Specialty utilises a world wide network of correspondents. Those correspondents are selected by location and upon the basis of their expertise and professional approach to the handling a matter. We pride ourselves on using only the very best companies and personnel who are user friendly and yet focussed upon managing a matter to a successful outcome.

In the event that you are an assured of Thomas Miller Specialty and you have a claim, please notify your broker who will in turn notify Thomas Miller Specialty of the claim. On receipt of the claim, Thomas Miller Specialty will provide your broker and you with information and advice upon what next steps need to be taken. It is very likely that a correspondent will be appointed to assist both you and Thomas Miller Specialty with the matter. The appointment will be made by Thomas Miller Specialty for you in the first instance, and it likely that the initial cost of professional fees of the correspondent will need to be met by you under any deductible obligation operating under the policy.

In the event of a claim please notify your broker as soon as practicable who in turn should notify their contact at Thomas Miller Specialty. Alternatively, you or your broker may contact the following personnel at Thomas Miller Specialty at any time – Claims Contacts.

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Mohamed Abdi Egueh / Philippe Garo - Dibouti & Somaliland

McLeans-Wams / Horn Shipping Company

work Route du Port - Djibouti
Republique de Djibouti

cell M. Abdi Egueh: (+253) 7706 5988; P. Garo: (+33) 607 792028

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Luc Petrelluzzi / Philippe Garo - French West Indies

McLeans SA (French West Indies) 

work Maison Petrel
Baie Manhault
97122 Guadeloupe

cell L. Petrelluzi: (+33) 496 102525 P. Garo: (+33) 607 792028

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Alex Odoom/ Philippe Garo - Ghana

McLeans-Wams / Stardex Marine Consult

work Community 12

work (+233) 243 304248
cell A. Odoom: +(233) 262 484 191; P. Garo: (+33) 607 792028

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Alex Odoom/ Philippe Garo - Guinea

McLeans-Wams / Stardex Marine Consult

work Community 12

work (+233) 243 304248
cell A. Odoom: +(233) 262 484 191; P. Garo: (+33) 607 792028

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Ibrahima Diogo Diallo / Philippe Garo - Guinea

McLeans-Wams / Am Surveys (Guinea)

work Belle-Vue Marche
Commune de Dixxin
BP 761

work (+224) 6826 0939
cell I Diogo Diallo: (+224) 664 275039; P. Garo: (+33) 607 792028

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Hermann Oble / Philippe Garo - Ivory Coast

McLeans-Wams / MWO Pandi

work 18 BP 2529
Abijan 18

work (+225) 021248580
cell H. Oble: (+225) 558 79797; P. Garo: (+33) 607 792028

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